Thursday 8 June 2017

How Clouds Work

One day in the clouds up high a bald, old man named Bob came by, holding a case with his youngest grandson named Toby, they opened the case and inside was a pole with a circle on the top.

Bob put it into a hole, Toby wondered what it was for.

Then Bob breathed in deeply and blew through the circle at the top and out came a big, fluffy, cloud which flew away and that means it was a cloud maker! Toby was very amazed!

Next Toby tried but all came out was a little cloud about ⅛ of a balloon.

Bob smiled at Toby’s f.a.i.l (first attempt in learning) and showed him how to breath in deeply.

Toby did it a few times but leaned on the cloud maker each time! The cloud maker snapped and fell down with him onto the platform.

Bob helped him up, Toby rubbed his cheek and lifted up the cloud maker which was now broken and ruined.

Grandpa Bob was shocked and looked at his cloud with Toby.

Toby then looked at the cloud maker twisting it into a star shape. Then they began twisting the cloud maker into a bunny. Finally at the end of the day they blew a heart-shaped cloud.

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