Thursday 22 June 2017

What makes an Axolotl weird?

An Axolotl looks weird but how is it weird?

Axolotl females eat their mate if they are bigger and they do the same things to their kids, and all Axolotls don’t chew but just gulp.

Their features are weird as well, they grow their own limbs back if they are eaten and they weigh from about 60 to 200 grams. Axolotls are known as Mexican Walking Fish plus they are amphibians.

The sad thing about Axolotls is that they are endangered because people eat them. But, thankfully, some others keep them as pets.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Thomas,
    There are so cool facts in this post and i learnt a lot. I also like the picture and your background!
    Keep up the good work
